
We’ve been keeping quiet about something here at Airdri, but now it’s time to blow our cover.  

Meet our new Kiddi Quad hand-dryer. An ultra-quiet, customisable hand-dryer aimed at primary schools, soft play centres and any venue aiming to make their washroom facilities more child-friendly.

It’s one of our quietest models to date and has been released just as our research has uncovered that 38% of UK children are scared of hand-dryers; a higher percentage than are frightened of the dark, monsters, ghosts, nightmares, sharks, doctors and ‘bad guys’.

Child-friendly to curb fear of hand-dryers

The Kiddi Quad aims to help get young children used to the sight and sounds of hand-dryers in washrooms. With an extremely low sound output, it addresses the reasons behind the high numbers of children suffering with manussiccusphobia (fear of hand-dryers).

The front of the dryer is printed with a fun superhero design, making it look less clinical and more fun and engaging for children.

Keeping hand hygiene on the agenda

We’ve enlisted the help of a team of squeaky-clean superheroes – The Handwashing Heroes – to help remind children of the importance of hand hygiene as we get through the winter months.

Free resources including posters, sticker charts and stickers aimed at encouraging children to wash and dry their hands properly have been sent to all schools in the area local to the company. Posters are free for any school or organisation to download and print from here: https://airdri.com/kiddi-quad-schools-pack

Saving schools thousands

With extremely low running costs, Kiddi Quad could also save schools tens of thousands of pounds.

Kiddi Quad costs just £83 per year to run, compared to £940 for a paper towel dispenser.

It’s estimated that the average primary school could save over £8,000 a year by switching from paper towels to eco hand dryers, such as the Kiddi Quad. Over a seven-year period this could add up to over £60,000 in savings¹. Positive news for schools with stretched budgets!

See the seven-year cost saving comparison below:

Steve Whittall, Chief Operating Officer at Airdri, said:

“Sound is a major factor in manussiccusphobia in children. Some models of hand-dryers can be incredibly noisy and often they’re placed in busy spaces just at the right height for a small child to walk underneath them and set them off accidentally.

“In bringing our most child-friendly hand-dryer model to market, we’ve worked tirelessly to significantly reduce the sound output of the dryer, which we will result in lessening the ‘shock factor’ if a child does set one off accidentally.

“Hand hygiene is hugely important right now, especially in schools. We know that even when washed properly, bacteria and germs multiply more quickly on wet hands so we’ve created a campaign to go alongside the launch of the dryer, which aims to remind children of the importance of good hand hygiene – including drying their hands properly. In a bid to reach as many schools as possible, we’re making resources available to download on our website and requests for printed materials can also be made via our website.”

More information on our Kiddi Quad hand dryer can be found here.

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