Cost-saving is likely to be top of the agenda for the hospitality industry as pubs, bars, restaurants, and nightclubs make up for lost time post-pandemic.  

Here at Airdri, we believe that a simple swap could be key to cutting costs – installing eco hand dryers could save venues thousands of pounds annually in energy bills or paper towel refills.

And in terms of environmental impact, it will stop tonnes of wastepaper towels entering landfill each year too.

We have created an online cost calculator that shows the comparative saving for hospitality venues switching from paper towels to eco hand dryers.

As an example, here are some of the savings hospitality venues could make based on each paper towel dispenser costing £730 per year (based on 100 washes per day using two paper towels costing 1p per dry):

  • A small café with three paper towel dispensers could save £2,190 each year
  • A medium sized restaurant with 10 dispensers could save £7,300 annually
  • A nightclub with 15 dispensers could save £10,950 every year
  • A sports stadium or similar large venue with 300 dispensers could save £219,000 per year

Visit the running costs calculator here to find out how this simple switch could benefit your venue:

Of course, there’s also the environmental impact of paper towels to consider.

Most people don’t realise that paper towels cannot be recycled for hygiene reasons, so each and every one that is used ends up in landfill.

Visitors to our website can explore the impact of choosing paper towels as the only hand drying option for their washrooms. For example:

  • A medium sized bar or restaurant using just paper towels would generate a total 1600 kilograms of paper towel waste* each year, the equivalent of 32 cookers.
  • A nightclub would use somewhere in the range of 2400kg per year, the equivalent of two Ford Fusion cars.

Visit to calculate the environmental impact of your hospitality business.

Our Eco Hand Dryer Range

If the environmental impact of hand dryers is one of the main concerns when deciding between paper towels or hand dryers, Airdri’s eco range might help settle the debate.

Our Eco Range is comprised of three different hand dryers; the Quantum and the Quazar, all of which use less than 1,000 watts, the industry minimum for a dryer to be considered “green”.

The Eco Range includes the Quantum hand dryer, which is one of the world’s most energy efficient hand dryers, costing just £7 per year to run. When compared to a regular dryer, it saves 96% on annual power expenditures, indicating not only cheaper operating costs but also a significant reduction in energy use.

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